SpaceX to “Deorbit” Early LEO Satellites


SpaceX needs to “scrap” around 100 LEO satellites due to a design flaw. ISPreview reported that the “early version 1” satellites, currently part of the 5,438 satellites in Starlink’s constellation, could fall out of orbit and become non-maneuverable, so SpaceX will “proactively deorbit” them. 

SpaceX is closely tracking satellites that are currently “serving users effectively” but identified as having an elevated non-maneuverable risk “to help mitigate collision risk with other active satellites.” It will take about six months to gradually bring the group of satellites down in a controlled manner. 

Starlink released a statement indicating, “the Starlink team identified a common issue in this small population of satellites that could increase the probability of failure in the future.” It added, “SpaceX will continue to share high-fidelity future position and uncertainty prediction information, multiple times a day, with other operators and launch providers.”

According to ISPreview, SpaceX plans to launch thousands of additional satellites by the end of 2027. According to the company, it can build up to 55 satellites per week and launch more than 200 satellites monthly.

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