Stay Connected with Wireless Supply


Wireless Supply, a major manufacturer of components for iDAS, oDAS and small cell systems, headquartered in Charlotte, NC, recently exhibited at Fiber Connect.

Wireless Supply was founded by a group of engineers in 2015, focused on wireless in-building and small cell products, including coaxial cable, antennas, connectors, filters, jumpers, and passive devices such as couplers, splitters and hybrid combiners. When DAS networks became more complicated and more active, they began to require fiber. Wireless Supply responded by manufacturing its own fiber cable with 6, 12, 24, 48 strands to connect the headends to the remote units.

“Fiber Connect 2024 in Nashville, TN was an excellent show to exhibit the new products that Wireless Supply has brought to market through its fiber brand, Fiber Supply,” said Jeff Hall, VP, General Manager, Wireless Supply. The show was well attended, and new customers were exposed to both Fiber Supply and Wireless Supply, furthering our offerings to customers nationwide. We are excited to be a part of this show and look forward to next year’s event as well in Nashville.”

Didn’t get a chance to catch up at the event? Set up a post-show meeting by contacting Jeff Hall via email or phone 877-517-8775. In the meantime, learn more at

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