Last month, an SAC Wireless tower crew was coming off of a long, exhausting day at a job site traveling westbound on I-10 from Tucson back to their Phoenix office. Suddenly, in full view of all three crew members, Jibran Ruizleyva, Lead Tech, John Keifer, Foreman and Taylor Braz, Associate Tech, a semi truck traveling ahead of them crashed and flipped on its side. The crew managed to keep the work truck under control and get stopped without crashing themselves, Jeff Hamm, Director of Environmental, Health & Safety for SAC told Inside Towers.
“Being quick thinking,” Hamm said, “they grabbed the extension ladder from the truck rack and utilized it to rescue the truck driver from the overturned semi. Keep in mind, these guys had just put in a long day and I am sure the one thing they had on their mind was just to get back home for the night. They took the time to stop and help someone in need when no one else was willing to do so.”
According to the rescuers, although the driver was obviously in shock, he repeatedly thanked them and kept saying that he thought something ran out in front of him. “It happened right in front of us; we were just doing what was right,” Foreman John Keifer said.
Shortly after pulling the driver from the wreckage, the Fire Department arrived on the scene and took him away to receive further medical attention. The Highway Patrol showed up next, setting up traffic control and helping the tower crew pack up their ladder and merge back onto the highway.
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