Trinity Park Officials Applaud New Site Near Elementary School


Not only is a new cell tower in Williamson County, TN in fashion, it will also be constructed by Vogue Towers. As the Williamson Herald reports, Mayor Rogers Anderson was on hand to usher in the start of improved digital connectivity for the county. Anderson and Vogue Towers President and Co-founder, Pat Troxell-Tant met at the site of the construction to attend the ground breaking event.

“This is all about planning for the future,” stated Mayor Anderson. “This has been a journey that started 2 1/2 to 3 years ago as a process to improve communication coverage in areas of the county where there’s limited coverage.”  

He and Troxell-Tant watched as the work crew dug a hole and began pouring concrete to create the base anchor for the 195-foot monopole cell tower. The tower will occupy a corner of Trinity Park near the I-65 highway. It is anticipated to benefit nearby Trinity Elementary School in Franklin.

The new tower should cover a digital dead zone that made it more difficult for calls to come in and out of the school. “One of the things we focus on is safety,” Troxell-Tant told the Williamson Herald. “The places where 911 doesn’t work. There are a half dozen more to come,” she added. “This is my 29th year doing this; I’ve never worked with a mayor so involved in the community.”

Mayor Anderson echoed the concern for public safety, noting, “Ambulances rely on cell service for things like transfusions. We needed to improve coverage and Pat identified several areas they could improve communications. We built this plan around public safety.”

The Trinity Park cell tower should be in operation by the end of the month. The mayor noted that the county’s population is growing, making communications an even more vital issue. Troxell-Tant confirmed that there is still lease space available on the tower for telecoms seeking to serve the expanding population in Tennessee.

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