The House Communications and Technology Subcommittee is set to look at ways to build-out rural broadband infrastructure today. The topic is getting attention as President Trump plans to discuss his $1.7 trillion infrastructure proposal tonight during his State of the Union address.
The House panel, a subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee, plans to hold a hearing on 22 bills. The FCC estimated last year it would take some $40 billion to deliver high-speed internet access to 98 percent of Americans. Reaching that last two percent, however, would take another $40 billion.
The White House endorsed a combination of public-private investment, Inside Towers reported. Members of the Rural Broadband Caucus for the House and Senate pressed the administration for dedicated rural broadband funding last week.
Today’s hearing is titled “Closing the Digital Divide: Broadband Infrastructure Solutions.” Among the invited witnesses are: USTelecom President/CEO Jonathan Spalter, CTIA EVP Brad Gillen and NTCA—The Rural Broadband Association CEO Shirley Bloomfield.
January 30, 2018
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