Verizon Tackles Borough of Monmouth in 5G Cell Tower Battle


UPDATE In the latest legal salvo between a New Jersey beach town and Verizon (NYSE: VZ), Verizon has asserted that its Coastal Area Facilities Review Act (CAFTRA) application was unlawfully denied. The Borough of Monmouth and Councilwoman Caitlin Donovan have been singled out as impediments. As The Star New Group reports, telecommunications attorney Peter Lupo has specifically cited the borough and the legislator for their opposition to the project.

The plan to install the 5G poles was proposed by Verizon and approved by the previous administration. However, it has proven to be a headache for the new mayor, who adamantly objects to the project. Under Mayor Buttafusco’s guidance, Belmar has fought to maintain control of its coastline and boardwalk. Verizon’s attempt to apply for CAFTRA authorization would have helped it more heavily influence the fate of the shore town’s boardwalk.

“Right now, Monmouth County [and Councilwoman Caitlin Donovan] refused to sign off on the CAFTRA agreement … they’re the ones who made the decision; Belmar has nothing to do with it,” Attorney Lupo TOLD The Star New Group. “I don’t see there being any issues right now for Belmar.”

The current lawsuit, which has garnered the attention of numerous politicians within the state, claims that the county did not honor the 90-day shot clock. Because the deadline was not correctly observed, alleges the lawsuit, the CAFTRA application was improperly dismissed. 

The lawsuit was filed on September 7, and remains unresolved. The plan to install twenty 35-foot 5G cell towers in Belmar has been forced into a holding pattern while the latest legal challenge is reviewed. 

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