Virgin Media O2, Freshwave Connect Bus Shelters


Virgin Media O2 is working with DigitalBridge-backed infrastructure-as-a-service provider Freshwave and Out of Home media and infrastructure firm Clear Channel UK to introduce 5G-ready connected bus shelters in the East End of London. Connectivity Freshwave and Clear Channel UK collaborated to devise a solution that would allow the technology to be seamlessly integrated into the London borough’s mobile landscape.

Residents of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and visitors will experience enhanced 4G mobile signals and eventually 5G thanks to bus shelters with built-in small cell connectivity.  

In June, VMO2 unveiled plans for a network of small cells across London, enabling the company to accelerate its customer-centric 4G and 5G rollout in a more environmentally friendly way while boosting capacity. At the time, the carrier had more than 1,300 live sites across London with a range of 260-390 feet. The technology has been implemented with a number of partners, including Cellnex UK, Freshwave, Ontix and the City of London.

“The small cells are usually bolted to existing street furniture, such as lampposts, avoiding the need to build new street infrastructure and providing a quicker, cleaner installation process,” VMO2 said. “In some busier locations, around 20 percent of network traffic flows through small cells rather than the macro layer, showing the value they provide in easing congestion.” The technology uses the 1800 MHz band, with some initial trial locations using 2.6 GHz spectrum.

Small cell technology can be installed anywhere there’s a Clear Channel shelter and a requirement to increase network capacity in the area. This ability for Clear Channel’s bus shelters to host mobile technology provides plentiful locations for network operators, according to Simon Frumkin, Freshwave company CEO. His company is now working on a multi-operator, multi-technology design for bus shelter use.

“Bus shelters provide a robust structure and excellent capacity to carry the technology. And with the need for connectivity infrastructure only increasing, bus shelters are an exciting new option for operators as they seek to bolster their networks,” Frumkin said. And the more existing street assets that can be used to bring this to our towns, the better it is for both the mobile network operators and the customers and communities they serve.”

By J. Sharpe Smith, Inside Towers Technology Editor

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