Wheeler Rolls Into New Role with Washington State Broadband Office


The Washington State Department of Commerce has announced that Aaron Wheeler will assume the role as the state’s Broadband Office Director. As State Scoop notes, Wheeler has a long history of working with the Suquamish tribal government, having spent 18 years in various technical roles with the Tribe.

Wheeler has been recognized for his contributions to fostering digital outreach in rural communities. His credentials include the establishment of 135 free public wireless access locations that have benefited rural and tribal populations. The state’s press release credits Wheeler with both promoting broadband legislation, and helping the Suquamish Tribe secure a federal broadband grant. During the height of the COVID pandemic, Wheeler worked closely with underserved populations on the Port Madison Reservation, making sure that children stayed connected to their schools.  

“Aaron deeply understands what it means to strengthen communities and provide the tools they need to succeed,” stated Commerce Director Mike Fong. “His background partnering with Tribes, knowledge of information technology, and experience bringing internet access to underserved communities will be an asset to the state as we work to ensure everyone has access to high-speed internet.” 

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