Wheeling Reverses Direction, Approves AT&T Cell Tower Request


UPDATE In an earlier decision, the Planning Board of Wheeling, WV voted 5-2 to deny AT&T’s (NYSE: T) request to erect an 85-ft cell tower. However, this week, the Board reversed itself and issued a unanimous 7-0 ruling in favor of allowing the tower construction. Although the lawsuit filed by AT&T is still pending, The Intelligence Wheeling News-Register speculates that the approval will lead to a dismissal of the legal challenge.

The application has met all of the requirements of the city ordinance, and they have met all of the federal standards for emissions and other issues,” stated Planning Commission member Howard Monroe. “They have met their requirements completely – federally and locally.”  

Municipal Manager Brian Tregoning commented that there are already numerous cell towers operating in Wheeling. The new tower proposed by AT&T will address a specific underserved area in the Woodsdale community. 

The special use permit granted by the Board will allow AT&T to move forward with its building plans, according to the News-Register. However, the telecom did agree to change the fence surrounding the site from a chain-link to a vinyl design.

“Everything that is required by the ordinance for the city of Wheeling was submitted, and my letter of recommendation was also submitted,” Tregoning told the Board. “So CMS [the Center for Municipal Solutions] – your wireless telecommunications consultant – does recommend that we move forward.” 

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