WIA Announces Election of Four New Foundation Board Members 


The Wireless Infrastructure Association yesterday announced that its Board of Directors has appointed four new Board Members to the WIA Foundation, and Amy Jo Samuel, Vice President, Shared Services, US Tower Operations at American Tower, has been elected as the Foundation’s Chair.  

Joining WIA President Patrick Halley, the newly appointed board members are:  

  • Blair Crawford, Executive Vice President of Leasing and Marketing, Vertical Bridge (Treasurer) 
  • Lynne Hopkins, Senior Director, Brand & Communications, SBA Communications (Secretary) 
  • Tom Kane, CEO, NB+C 
  • Amy Jo Samuel, Vice President, Shared Services, American Tower Corporation (Chair)  

The WIA Foundation is dedicated to advancing the wireless industry by encouraging and promoting education, research, and training programs. The Foundation supports efforts to raise awareness about careers in the wireless and broadband industries and activities to enable a strong and diverse workforce necessary to achieve WIA’s mission of achieving connectivity everywhere.  

“The wireless infrastructure industry is a community dedicated to paying it forward and giving back to the communities they serve. So too is WIA through our Foundation,” said Halley. “I am excited to work with our new Board members who will bring new energy and perspectives to the Foundation’s important work.”   

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