WISPA Leader to Step Down


Claude Aiken, the President and CEO of the Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPA) is stepping down in April after four years with the organization. WISPA Chairman Todd Harpest said: “We are grateful for the four years in which he helped us grow and we wish Claude much success in the future. Claude has been a positive impact on WISPA and the thousands of innovators and entrepreneurs who are laser-focused on providing better connectivity across the world.”

Aiken said WISPA’s future is bright and called the job “one of the greatest joys of my professional career.”  

“We are seeing members deploy fiber optic and hybrid fixed-wireless networks driving faster speeds and better service to homes and businesses,” said both Aiken and Harpest. “WISPA is a home for all technologies, enabling broadband operators to connect and bridge the digital divide in urban, rural, and remote communities.”

Aiken’s last day is April 30, however he pledged to help the organization after that as a consultant to ensure a smooth transition. WISPA has organized a search committee for a new President & CEO. Interested parties should send an email to: [email protected].   

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