The Henry County Board of Zoning Appeals followed a commitment made by their predecessors by unanimously approving a special use permit for a 199-foot cell tower in Martinsville, VA. The decision, made December 21, came after a request from Apex Towers LLC. The tower will be located approximately 400 feet from the local roadway.
There was little opposition to the tower, mostly voiced by a local minister whose church is in sight of the structure. Henry County Director of Planning, Zoning and Inspections, Lee Clark, noted the county decided twenty years ago that fewer tall towers were a better option than many small ones, and has been actively approving tower applications ever since.
The Martinsville Bulletin reported the tower must meet eight minimum conditions. These include maintaining the site according to local, state and federal building code and erosion and sediment control standards and regulations; establishing a security fence around the site; and preserving the access road to the location from the highway. Clark was impressed with the due diligence Apex presented to ensure erosion control and proper placement of the tower, as well as allaying any concerns held by residents.
Apex Project Manager Dale Hill told board members the planned site was the best location within a 2.5-mile radius to fill coverage gaps for travelers on Chatham Road.
December 23, 2016
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