How to Get Certified as a Rigger or Signalperson


Tower Safety Section, sponsored by NATE

Rigger Level One and Two

nwsaThe CCO Rigger certification program is offered through a partnership with the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO). This nationally recognized and internationally accredited rigger certification program is the culmination of three years’ hard work by experts from the varied industries and groups that use rigging, including construction, steel erection, iron workers, the operating engineers, utilities, petrochemicals, specialty rigging companies, and rigging hardware and sling manufacturers.

NCCCO task forces were made up of experts from all aspects of the rigging industry—riggers, training directors, managers, supervisors, manufacturers—who together represent many thousands of hours of rigging experience. These volunteers gave freely of their time and expertise with the goal of improving the safety of all whose work brings them into contact with rigging equipment.

A certified rigger is a person who has been trained and certified to handle rigging equipment to lift and move loads. The level of certification depends upon the individual’s training, knowledge, skill base, and ability to perform functions related to the selection, inspection, and proper use of rigging equipment.  

This person may be qualified in a craft or trade and carry an occupational title such as tower technician, tower foreman, ironworker, electrician, carpenter, millwright, mechanic, laborer, mason, longshoreman, lineman, pipe fitter, boilermaker, and the like. (The persons described in the categories above will be referred to as rigger even though they carry another occupational title.)

For more information, the official Rigger Level I and Rigger Level II candidate handbook can be downloaded for free at the following here

Signalperson Cert

The CCO Signalperson certification program is offered through a partnership with the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO). This nationally recognized and internationally accredited certification program is the culmination of many years’ hard work by experts from the varied industries and groups that use cranes, including construction, steel erection, ironworkers, operating engineers, utilities, and crane rental firms.

The NCCCO task force that developed this program was made up of experts from all aspects of the crane industry—crane operators, ASME B30 members, signalpersons, training directors, managers, supervisors, insurance representatives—who together represent many thousands of hours of crane operating and signaling experience.

These volunteers gave freely of their time and expertise with the goal of improving the safety of all whose work brings them into contact with cranes and lifting equipment.

NCCCO Certification examinations are designed for signalpersons who are trained and who will use hand and voice signals in crane operation. For more information, the official Signalperson candidate handbook can be downloaded for free at the following here

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