Mahopac Lawyers Up to Fight Homeland’s Towers


Unhappy with the town’s approval of two new Homeland cell towers, citizens of Mahopac, NY have responded by hiring legal counsel, reports  Construction for the Dixon Road location appears to be going ahead without incident.  The tower may even end up on town park property, away from residential neighborhoods. 

Homeowners near the second location on Croton Falls Road are determined to fight Homeland and have banded together and hired an attorney.

Although they are keeping the attorney’s name mum for the moment, resident Ron Leviner discussed the group’s position. “The town has to do what is right for the town,” he said. “But for the people who are personally affected, we wanted to have an expert who has dealt with these situations before – someone who is dedicated to helping just us. Not because we think the town isn’t looking out for us, but because they have a broader purview. This is an attorney who has been in a lot of battles with cell tower companies.” 

The residents did acknowledge that this lawyer has battled Homeland before and they believe it is to their tactical advantage not to reveal the individual’s name at this time.

The litigious group expressed a range of opinions, agreeing that cell service is necessary but a cell tower in their residential neighborhood is not.

Some residents believe that alternate locations were not thoroughly considered. Another suggested that the proposed 180-ft tower did not need to be that tall. They concurred that their ideas of what is best for the town do not align with Homeland’s goals. Organizer Bob Buckley said, “They are showing no respect for our laws. They just want to save money.  We have to raise some red flags. It’s up to us.” Comments? Email Us

January 18, 2019

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