Dave Beaumont of Chesapeake Tower wants your tower. But only if it’s on its side and using up space and you’re willing to consign it to the deep blue sea near Ocean City, Maryland.
Beaumont is committed to a reef-building project in his area that can stimulate the growth of marine organisms, such as mussels and coral, which in turn will encrust the structure and will provide a food source and create a habitat and shelter to a variety of species.
“I’m on the lookout for decommissioned towers or large mounts/big chunks of steel,” Beaumont said. Appealing directly to the tower community, he said, “If you have any or know of some that can be donated they (Ocean City Reef Foundation) are a nonprofit and are capable of transporting the towers/steel to Ocean City, Maryland. I will be personally there too, when they are brought out and sunk in the sea,” Beaumont said.
The steel can be up to 50′ in length to create the artificial reefs. The reefs create habitat for mid-Atlantic fish and “have already proven to be a great asset to the environment and the fishing community in Maryland/Virginia,” according to Beaumont.
The OCRF website is www.ocreefs.org and Captain Monty Hawkins operates The Morning Star fishing vessel. For more information contact: Dave Beaumont, Chesapeake Tower 803-554-7891. Towers coated in lead-base paint may pose a problem but contact the OCRF for details.
May 9, 2017
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