City-Owned Properties Compete With Private Landlords for Cell Tower Leases



Homeland Towers is currently looking at several cell sites in Rhinebeck, New York. Raymond Vergati, site development manager at Homeland Towers said, “I have received quite a bit of interest from private landlords and have actually met with four or five of them and walked their properties. Homeland Towers likes to work with municipalities as a first resort. It’s a great opportunity for the town to receive revenue from a cell tower lease.”When asked about the height of the tower and the number of carriers using it, Vergati said that the location of the tower would determine that. “They typically try to look for an existing structure, a water tank, power transmission pole, existing tower, a rooftop — things of that nature. When they can’t find an existing structure, they will come to a tower builder like us.” he said. Town Planning Board Chairman Michael Trimble has said that there are actually three proposals with three different sites that people want to use. He also noticed that it’s important to balance the need for cell coverage with the “not in my backyard” mentality that some people have. “Some people would love to have these on their property,” he said. “But for every one person that would love to have it on their property, there are probably 50 that would not like to see it.”

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