Company Profile: Cell At Auction


Started in 2013, Cell At Auction is the preeminent resource for owners of telecommunication towers and leases.  Cell At Auction was created to provide property owners with a creative approach to target untapped capital resources.  Cell At Auction represents the seller and with their expertise, along with the power of auction, ensures that the sellers are receiving the maximum lump sum payout on the sale of their lease.  With the universal acceptance of live and Webcast auctions, they have generated a platform that allows sellers and buyers to accelerate the transaction in this growing industry.  Owners and lessors of telecommunication towers can now be assured they receive fair market value for these assets while buyers can obtain assets backed by highly rated companies that generate a good return on their investment.

Northbrook, IL Cell at Auction is pleased to announce the sale at auction of a well located T-Mobile ground lease.  According to Bud Blinick, President, “The City of Markham, Il has retained us to market this valuable asset in order to pay for some needed city improvements”.  The site is located on a city owned Fire Station property right on I-57.  The auction will take place on April 3rd at 1:00 pm CST.  More information can be found on their website

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