U.S. Treasury Funds Broadband Projects In Puerto Rico


The U.S. Treasury is funneling $158 million into broadband expansion for Puerto Rico, reported Telecompetitor. According to the Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves, “more than 61,000 homes and small businesses in Puerto Rico are in areas without broadband infrastructure.”

Telecompetitor reported that the Capital Project Fund which has $10 billion in funding, will be used for various elements of expansion, including:

  • Broadband infrastructure: The budget of $85.7 million will help the Puerto Rico Submarine Cable Resiliency Program build a new submarine fiber route running from Puerto Rico to the Dominican Republic and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Three new cable landing stations will be constructed along the island’s coastline. 
  • Multi-purpose community technology centers: With a $64.7 million budget, the Puerto Rico Multi-purpose Community Technology Center Program will enable public access to high-speed internet, on-site device usage, and more. The centers will provide a space for remote work and healthcare access.
  • Administration: The remaining $8 million will be used to administer the programs. 

Graves added, “Increasing broadband access will expand access to healthcare, education and employment and is a monumental step that will allow more Americans to participate in our modern economy.”

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