The Perfect Marriage


Jim Cramer of CNBC’s Mad Money talked about a merger that’s been on everyone’s minds lately. One that Cramer says “makes so much sense.” “Dish has lots of spectrum that’s needed for a big phone company, and it has, obviously, the television feed. T-Mobile’s the most aggressive carrier out there with the fastest growth, but it has a critical shortage of spectrum,” Cramer explained on Thursday’s episode of Mad Money. “John Legere is a rebel with a cause, aspiring to have the best phone company on Earth. Charlie Ergen is a big thinker who has always tried to make Dish into a powerhouse. Both men are comfortable being in uber-deal mode,” Cramer said. He goes onto say that the two have talked about a deal in an abstract way, and neither has said a negative word about the other. Could this big the perfect merger? The tower stocks were up Thursday after The Wall Street Journal broke the story about the merger being very possible. “If you pair the spectrum-rich Dish with the spectrum-shy T-Mobile, they would need all the tower space they can to do a nationwide build out if they got together,” Cramer noted. His final thought was, “If the market is any indication, a Dish and T-Mobile deal merger is coming—it almost seems inevitable.”

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